A 501(c)(3) organization working to provide children with access to education, improved learning conditions, and diverse pen pal friendships.

Building a Brighter Future
At LinkPen we're connecting kids as pen pals while also raising funds to promote initiatives that serve children and schools in developing communities around the world.
Education is essential in positively transforming the lives of children living in poverty. We believe in taking action with urgency to not only raise awareness about their lack of access to education, but also provide them with the support needed to achieve quality education. Additionally, we're introducing children to the opportunity of PEN PAL friendships, so as to awaken their minds to WONDER, IMAGINATION, and EMPATHY in hopes of inspiring and shaping a brighter future.
Here at LinkPen, we are driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for children and future generations. Our efforts are strategically focused on making a measurable difference in the lives of children around the world, and most especially those living in poverty. We are committed to moving expeditiously because we believe that learning just can't wait and EVERY child has the right to education in order to secure a better and brighter future.